President Message

First of all, I am thankful to The Almighty for his Blessings and would also like to thanks our Executive Committee and Former Presidents who put their trust on me. It is a great honor and a big responsibility.
My top priority will be to solve the problems of business community and industrialists. Adding to that I will try my best to create feasible environment for the new investor to invest in AJK which will create new job opportunities for the un-employed graduates and other skilled persons.
Being president of the Mirpur Chamber of Commerce & Industry (MCCI) my focus will be;
• To resolve the tax related issues.
• To resolve the electricity related issues i.e. Fuel Price Adjustment Tax
• To restore the sick industrial units in AJK.
• To interact and meet up with high officials and stakeholders to create business friendly environment in AJK.
• To speed up the process of construction of DRY-PORT.

Learn more

Syed Sabir Hussain(President)


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  • Opportunities of meetings with foreign business delegations and B2B meetings.
  • Opportunities of joining MCCI business delegations to attend international trade exhibitions and conferences.
  • Opportunities of free/paid participation in awareness, training and capacity building programs.
  • Receipt of emails of invitations for participation in meetings, international trade exhibitions, business leads, international tenders, government notifications, important announcements, international training programs, trade reports etc.
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  • Availability of discounts from hospitals, laboratories, hotels, schools, business outlets etc. b showing valid MCCI membership card/letter.
  • Advisory support for business development.
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  • Support for international commercial dispute resolution.
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